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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

43. Show respect and understanding for the foreign policy position of any free Far Eastern country, whether allied or neutral, provided that country is striving to maintain its independence from Communist domination or subversion.

44. Respond in a timely and effective manner when host countries seek adjustments in arrangements governing the stationing of our forces. Stress the mutuality of interest and responsibility which devolves on local governments.

45. Continue to seek appropriate means to bring about an understanding by the Free World nations of the Far East of nuclear warfare.

46. Encourage the growth of regional and Free World cooperation through such measures as support for the Colombo Plan, ECAFE, and regional undertakings.

47. Seek to allay animosities between various free Far Eastern countries, urging moderation and mutual respect between parties to the dispute and taking an active role as channel for communication and supplying good offices where that would serve our general interests.

48. As feasible, utilize overt and covert means to promote discontent and internal divisions within each of the Communist dominated areas of the Far East, and to impair their relations with the Soviet Union and with each other.

49. Compatible with the security of U.S. citizens while abroad, permit travel of Americans to Communist China, North Korea, and North Viet Nam.