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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


21. In case of an imminent or actual Communist attempt to seize control from within, and assuming some manifest local desire for U. S. assistance, take all feasible measures to thwart the attempt, including even military action after appropriate Congressional action.

22. As appropriate, assist the police forces in Southeast Asian countries to obtain training and equipment to detect and contain Communist activities.

23. In order to strengthen the non-Communist governments of the area and to help forestall their economic dependence on the Communist Bloc:

a. Provide flexible economic and technical assistance as necessary to attain U. S. objectives. In the framing of U. S. aid programs to Southeast Asian countries take into account the economic and technical assistance being provided by other Free World nations and by international institutions, coordinating with such nations and institutions where appropriate.
b. Encourage measures to improve the climate for private investment, both domestic and foreign, and to mobilize the maximum investment of U. S. private capital in the area consistent with the prevailing climate.
c. Encourage United Nations agencies, other Colombo Plan countries, and other friendly countries to contribute available resources to promote the economic growth of Southeast Asia.
d. Encourage the Southeast Asian countries to orient their economies in the direction of the Free Wold and to rely primarily on non-Communist markets and sources of supply for trade, technicians, capital development, and atomic development.
e. In carrying out programs involving disposal of U. S. agricultural surpluses abroad:
(1) Give particular attention to the economic vulnerabilities of the Southeast Asian countries and avoid, to the maximum extent practicable, detracting from the ability of these countries to market their own exportable produce.
(2) Give particular emphasis to the use of the resources to promote multilateral trade and economic development.
NSC 6012

(Revised 8/24/60)