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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


f. Promote as appropriate the expansion of trade relationships between the United States and the countries of Southeast Asia.
g. Take advantage of adverse local reactions to Communist barter agreements with countries in the area by demonstrating the advantages to these countries of conducting trade on a multilateral commercial basis.

24. Make a special, sustained effort to help educate an expanding number of technically competent, pro-Western civilian and military leaders, working bilaterally, through the United Nations, with the other Colombo Plan countries and with other friendly countries. Stress the development of potential and secondary leadership to support the thin stratum of elite now administering the central governments and bring to their support modern techniques and technology in public information and organization.

25. Place increased emphasis on community development projects, educational programs, and other activities aimed to influence the welfare and attitudes of the people at the village level.

26. Strengthen informational, cultural and educational activities, as appropriate, to foster increased alignment of the people with the Free World and to contribute to an understanding of Communist aims and techniques.

27. Hold or reduce the number of U. S. officials in each country to a strict minimum consistent with sound implementation of essential programs, in order to head off an adverse political reaction to the presence of a large number of Americans in relatively privileged positions.

28. Promote increasing Asian Buddhist contact with and knowledge of the Free World. Explore with friendly religious organizations ways of developing Buddhist fraternal associations and identification with Free World religious leaders and movements.

29. When not in conflict with other U. S. political objective~J continue activities designed to encourage the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia (a) to integrate fully and as rapidly as practicable into the national life of their host countries, becoming loyal citizens and identifying themselves with the interests of these countries; (b) to support and participate in anti-Communist activities in their countries of domicile; (c) to resist Communist efforts to infiltrate and gain control of their communities. Seek to

NSC 6012

(Revised 8/24/60),