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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


ensure that elements within these communities that continue to feel and act as Chinese rather than as citizens of their most countries look to the GRC as the custodian of Chinese social and cultural values and support it as the representative of the interests and aspirations of the Chinese people.

30. Discreetly encourage the governments of the countries of the area to promote and facilitate the integration of racial minorities, bearing in mind that the extent and pace of such integration will be affected by the willingness of the host countries to permit the overseas Chinese and other minorities to participate in the national life without discrimination.

31. Implement as appropriate covert operations designed to assist in the achievement of U. S. objectives in Southeast Asia.

32. Promote economic cooperation between the countries of the area and Japan and with the Government of the Republic of China, to the extent feasible without jeopardizing the achievement of U. S. objectives toward the individual Southeast Asian countries.

33. In order to promote increased cooperation in the area and to deny the general area of the Mekong River Basin to Communist influence or domination, assist as feasible in the development of the Mekong River Basin as a nucleus for regional cooperation and mutual aid.

34. Should any country in the area cease to demonstrate a will to resist internal Communist subversion and to carry out a policy of maintaining its independence, terminate U. S. economic and military assistance programs to such nations.

35. Exercise caution to ensure that the United States does not become so identified, either in fact or in the eyes or the world, with particular regimes, individuals or political factions in the countries of the area as to hinder U. S. accommodation to changes in the political scene.



36. In view of the emerging opportunities in Burma and the repercussions that developments there will have on the

NSC 6012

(Revised 8/24/60)