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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


2. The SEATO forces would furnish material and logistic support to Royal Laos Forces.

3. The SEATO Force would participate in offensive operations against the insurgents by providing Royal Lao and South Vietnamese Forces assistance with air support, including combat air support, communication, psychological warfare and with other special operations.

Enemy Forces

1. Insurgents now in Laos

The insurgents now operating in Laos, consisting of about 31,100 (Kham Cuane/Kong Le forces -- 12,000; Pathet Lao forces 15,900; Viet Minh technicians and troops -- 3,200) would be capable of harassing, guerrilla-type operations against SEATO forces in Laos. These operations would most likely be directed by North Vietnamese cadres with North Vietnamese technical and logistic support and Bloc airlift. Communist insurgent forces employed could vary from platoon-size to several battalions, including medium artillery support.

2. North Viet Nam and Communist China

a. Although the Communist have 14 North Vietnamese and 21 Chinese Divisions which could be employed in Southeast Asia, the geographic and logistic limitations of the terrain in Laos prevent the effective support of more than eight divisions. Communist ground force capability in