Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 5.djvu/91

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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87.  NIS 43C, op. cit., 59.
88.  Ibid., 56–59; Zasloff, Political Motivation...The Vietminh Regroupees, RM-4703-ISA/ARPA, op. cit., 44–52.
89.  CIA, "Prospects for North and South Vietnam" (NIE 14.3/53-61, 15 August 1961), 15; CIA, "The Outlook for North Vietnam," (SNIE 14.3-64, 4 March 1964), 8–9.
90.  Ibid., 10.
91.  U.S. Congress, Senate, Situation in Vietnam, Hearings before the Subcommittee on State Department Organization and Public Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, 86th Congress, 1st Session, July 30 and 31, 1959 (Washington: GPO, 1959), 156–158; Irving Heymont, Ronald B. Emery, John G. Phillips, Cost Analysis of Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations: Vietnam, 1957–1964 (U) (McLean, Va.: Research Analysis Corp., RAC-TP-232, June, 1967), 10; Senator Mansfield, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, "Report on Indochina," 83d Congress, 2nd Session, 15 October 1954 (Washington: GPO, 1954). On January 14, 1955, the French signed an agreement with the DRV supplementing the Geneva Agreement calling for detailed advance notice to the ICC and defining replacement arms as identical, or of similar "combat strength" but again did not establish the basic credit ceiling against which the GVN could draw replacements. Anita Lauve Nutt, Troika on Trial, op. cit., 329–342; RM-2967, op. cit., 105–106. For aid data, see MS, Office Chief of Military History, "U.S. Policy Toward Vietnam Since 1945," (May, 1962), 31, 49–50. The estimate of French removal of MDAP materiel 1954–1956 is based on the report of Asst SecDef Reuben Robertson, Jr., on trip to Vietnam in May, 1956; ibid., 49–50, n. 34. U.S. Military Assistance Group, Vietnam, "Country Statement on MDAP, Non-NATO Countries," 20 July 1956, p. 10, reports that contrary to a US–French agreement, shipments to North Africa and France 1955-1956 apparently included higher quality MDAP equipment than was being turned over to ARVN; the same report also states that details of ARVN–French transaction with NDAP materiel were "unknown."
92.  NIS 43D, op. cit., 67.
93.  Warner, The Last Confucian, op. cit., 128–219. Scigliano, South Vietnam, op. cit., 162–163.
94.  NIS 43D, op. cit., 69.
95.  Heymont, et al., Cost Analysis....1957–1964, op. cit., Vol. II, 77–84.
96.  U.S. Dept. of State Press Release No. 400, July 23, 1954.
97.  "Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and Protocol Thereto...," in U.S. Congress, Background Information..., op. cit., 84–88.
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