Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. B. 1.djvu/33

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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7 Dec 1961 (Continued) will not take decisions or actions affecting the other without full and frank prior consultation." This is different from the idea that American involvement should be so intimate that the GVN would be reformed "from the bottom up" -- despite Diem.

(Although Washington gave in -- or gave up -- on the kind and degree of pressure to exert on Diem, Washington did not soften on Lansdale. Despite four requests from Diem and the recommendations from Cottrell, the Taylor Report and William Bundy that Lansdale be sent to Saigon, he did not get there until late 1965.)

11 Dec 1961 New York Times Two U.S. helicopter companies (33 H-21Cs, 400 men) arrived in Vietnam, the first direct U.S. military support for the GVN.

ICC reaction: shall we continue functioning here in the face of U.S. assistance (increase barred by the Geneva Accords)?

15 Dec 1961 New York Times Reported the formal exchange of letters between Kennedy and Diem announcing a stepped-up aid program for Vietnam.
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