Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. a.djvu/16

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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French should be informed of U.S. concern, especially since the conflict may come before the UN or other powers may intervene. Memorandum by Vincent for Acheson, 23 December 1946

62. U.S. advances reasons why the Vietnamese attacked the French on 19 December: (a) orders from Moscow to upset Southeast Asia, or to increase Communist Party strength in France as a result of a quick settlement if the CP should take power from Blum; and (b) hope for similar Javanese-Dutch settlement resulting from fighting while negotiating. O'Sullivan 194 to Byrnes, 23 December 1946 92
63. U.S. impresses concern over Tonkin events on the French, but expresses no offer to mediate. U.S. is concerned that the UN might become involved. Byrnes 6586 to Caffery, 24 December 1946 93
64. U.S. takes the position to oppose Chinese proposals for intervention in Indochina. Acheson 8317 to Gallman (UK), 27 December 1946 95
65. Reed, in discussing with whom Moutet can deal, offers creation of new government under Bao Dai and/or Tam. Reed 4599 to Byrnes, 30 December 1946 95
66. The U.S. approves the Consul in Hanoi to act on humanitarian grounds to save lives, but cautions not to become involved in any situation which could be interpreted as mediating basic political issues without express authorization.
Byrnes 25 to O'Sullivan, 31 December 1946
67. U.S. reasserts the non-involvement policy of approving sales of military arms and armaments to France except in cases which relate Indochina hostilities. Byrnes 75 to Paris, 8 January 1947 97
68. U.S. expresses support and full recognition of France's position; however, U.S. cannot overlook dangerous outmoded colonial French methods. On the other hand, the U.S. does not desire the France be replaced by Kremlin communism as evidenced by Ho Chi Minh connections. The U.S. does not favor UN intervention, but "frankly we have no solution of the
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