Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/223

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

751G.00/12-2951:TOP SECRET FILE

"From point view effectiveness, Chinese intervention under present forms can be intensified to point of upsetting, to Viet advantage, equilibrium of opposing forces out of proportion to known possibilities of Viet alone. French Govt in this case wld also consider Chinese intervention as genuine aggression.

"II. As French Govt has already made known to US Govt, it wld, in these eventualities, appeal to UN. It wld do so in agreement with Associate States Govts and wld not (rpt not) fail to consult beforehand with US and UK.

"III. It wld ask China be declared aggressor and immediate application to China of political and economic sanctions under UN. Charter. Finally it wld request member states to have their available forces participate in defense Indochina territory.

"IV. If its request met Security Council veto, French wld request meeting GA.

"V. It is essentially on Atlantic Pact member countries and British Commonwealth dominions of white race, as well as SEA countries more directly threatened by Chinese aggression, that French Govt wld consider itself able to count principally for conduct military action recommended by UN. It wld furthermore anticipate adherence to other measures by all UN member states which have decided oppose Communist bloc aggressions in Asia and elsewhere in world.

"French recourse to UN wld be effected without prejudice to requests for immediate aid by French to US and UK.

"Massive increase Chinese aid to Viet wld clearly create situation whose sudden aggravation wld not (rpt not) permit awaiting development slow UN procedures and wld call for immediate decisions on strategic plane.

"In contrary sense, it might happen that Chinese intervention wld be of character insufficiently defined to have UN decision interpose without very long discussion or real character Chinese aggression while extremely grave threat hanging over expeditionary corps.

"With this double hypothesis in view French Govt continues consider necessary speedy implementation Singaport conference recommendations.

"It is not