Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/274

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


5. French immed brought up ad hoc comite conclusions, said French Govt had approved them one month ago and wished have US-UK views. Eden said he could make no (rpt no) commitment but he evisaged, as he had stated at Columbia University, UN action on basis similarity to aggression in Korea. He reserved position and said would not discuss with colleagues. Re comite conclusions he could not (rpt not) comment except to say they had been examined. French said attention should be given- both on timing and form of warning as wrong timing might provoke Chinese Commies and be used as pretext extending conflict. It was agreed this subject would discussed in future political-military talks. Letourneau asked that some parts ad hoc comite conclusions, on which there had been no (rpt no) difference of opinion, be lifted out for approval by three govts, stressing ever present danger (although he did not (rpt not) consider it immed probable) of Chinese Commie massive attack endangering French Expeditionary Corps and civilians Indochina and need, therefore, for advance planning on evacuation and transport. The Secretary while noting lack of agreement in ad hoc comite conclusions, agreed re-examine it and noted desirability picking out certain points upon which action could be taken now. There was general agreement with desirability drawing up general political principles as guide to military talks and the Secretary said Department would prepare draft for forwarding to London and Paris Embassies guide for military talks after which Mins could later examine overall subject.

6. Importance French attach to question increased aid for Indochinese effort and concern French Govt feels over this question in face of National Assembly and general public attitudes are evidenced both by presence of Pinay at this conference and tone and content of remarks of French Representatives. Pinay, Pleven and Schuman each brought out that France could not (rpt not) increase its present effort in Indochina and that there was serious concern over difficulties which govt expected to face in National Assembly. Pinay, for example, while expressing agreement with principle that each of three nations had its individual problems and responsibilities,

said that