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Lisbon, merchants in, 263.

Livergrowth, xlvi, xlvii, 357–359.

Loadstones, 624.

Lock hospital, 356.

Lombard Street, has lost its mercery trade, 381.

Lombards, 26, 36, 82, 261.

London—location, etc.: area, 457, 470, 526, 531; westward movement of, xlvi, 41, 321, 380, 381; map of, 385, 533, 542, bounds of liberties of, 491; parishes of, 24, 457; inequality between, 382; will always be the greatest cohabitation of people in England, 42; best size for, 470–476.

London—houses: number and value of, 105, 106, 303, 459, 528; size of, 385, building of prohibited (1656), 40 n., 41; burned in 1666 (see also Fire), 507; rebuilding of, 243 n., 294, 308, 309; increase of, 370; are great and glorious, 243.

London—population: 331, 383–386, 400, 459, 460; is one-fifteenth of all England, 107; calculations of by Graunt and Petty, lxvii; census of, xliv, 401, 405, 406; growth and doubling of, 304, 378–381, 387–389, 394, 456–460, 469; grows by immigration, 370, 371, 389, 482; soon replenished after plagues, 367.

London—vital statistics: births, 481, 482, 486, 604, 605; burials, 338–342, 407–409, 481, 486; males and females, 411; tables of, 406–411, 426, 432–435.

London compared with: Paris, 251, 423, 424, 517, 518, 530, 537; Rome, 517, 518; Amsterdam, 251; other cities generally, 503, 509, 544, 603; with the country, 373, 389, 392, 393, 498.

London—miscellaneous: air, 392, 393; aldermen, 63; assessment, 460; beggars, 354; bills of mortality, see Bills; bishop's palace, 380; defence, 354, 387, 472; food supply, 471; hospitals, 530; murder infrequent, 354; plague, 109 n., 363, 364, 51; shipping, 530; trade, 374; taxes, 103, 370, 371; undertaxed, 114.

London bridge stays westward movement of the city, 380.

Londonderry surveyed by T. Raven, 177; housing of has increased, 303.

Longevity, measure of, 172, 350, 352, 623.

Looking glasses, price of, 624.

Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 163, 204, 205, 616, 631.

Lord Deputy of Ireland, 163.

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 163, 204, 205, 228–230.

Lord Mayor of London, his relation to the bills of mortality, lxxxviii.

Lord Justices of Ireland, 163.

Lotteries, 64–65.

Loughrea, court of, 580.

Lucerne, 288 n.

Ludgate, 42, 321, 381.

Lunatics, state wards, 83; are few, 355.

Lungs, the bellows of the body, 359. See also Lights.

Luttrell, Narcissus, on Petty's death, lxvi.

Luxury a cause of civil war, 23; policy of restraining, 192; import duties on luxuries, 56.

Macarthy, General Justin, xxxi.

McCulloch, John Ramsay, vii, xxxix, 1.

Mackenbory, 209.

Madder in the Netherlands, 251, 259; imported into Ireland, 191.

Mahometan religion in India, 263.

Maid-servant, wages of, 305.

Males and females, relative number of, lxxvi, 25, 320, 374–378, 483, 603; in London, 386; in the country, 389; distinguished in the bills, 342, 347; males prolific longer than females, 375; tables of, for Cranbrook, 419–421; for London, 411; for Romsey, 412–415; for Tiverton, 416–418.

Mangerton, Mount, 467 n.; Petty's estates near, xxiv.

Manufactures, in Ireland, 197–198; flourish in cities, 473; more gained by than by husbandry, 256.