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Manuscripts used in printing this ed., lix.

Manx language, 206.

Map of London, 385, 533, 542.

Map of France, anno 1647, 250.

Maps, Petty's, of Ireland, xvii, 6 n., 177, 614.

Mare clausum, 550, 559, 569, 573.

Marine insurance, 83.

Marriages taxed, 83; civil, effect on marriage rate, xci, 400; encouragement of, 377, 378; not in the bills of mortality, 347, should be, 491; occur early in Ireland, 608.

Marillac, Charles de, letters of, about the plague, lxxxi n.

Martyn, John, publisher, 122.

Maryland, 283.

Mary's Colechurch, a small parish, 382.

Matthews, Colonel, 616.

Massachusetts, General Court of, 302 n.

Massareene, Sir John Skeffington, second viscount, 616.

Master of the Rolls in Ireland, 163.

Masts imported from New England, 296; prices of, 623, 624.

Mathematical method in economics, lxviii.

Malthus, Thomas Robert, debt of, to Graunt, lxxix.

Measles, one half that die of are children, 349.

Measure of value, 44; see also Value.

Meath, Edward Brabazon, second earl, his house, 143.

Medals and money, 85.

Medicaments, manufacture of, 75.

Mercantilism, Petty's relation to, lxix.

Mercery gone from Lombard Street, 381.

Merchandise, more gained by than by manufacture, 256.

Mero-motu men, 131 n., 582; lands of, 136.

Mersenne, Mann, xiv.

Metal-men, mortality of, 350.

Metaphysics, study of, 270.

Meteorological instruments needed, 171.

Microscope, 627.

Middlesex and Surrey, parishes in, included within the bills, lxxxv, lxxxvi.

Mile, Irish, 210.

Militia, charge of, 18; a gentle tax, 275; drill of, 276; in Ireland, 166, 168, 169, 569.

Milk, cost of in Ireland, 173.

Milled money exported, 439.

Mills in Ireland, 609.

Milne, James, on the editorship of the Collection of the Yearly Bills, 641.

Mines in Ireland, 223.

Minory, plague at, 403.

Miscellaneous Catalogue of Experiments, Petty's, 642.

Mithridate, 93.

Mogul's diamond, the Great, 627.

Mohammed, date of birth of used by Petty, 526.

Mohommedanism permits polygamy, 374.

Molasses exported from Ireland, 596.

Molyneaux, William, letter from, xxx n.

Monarchy, universal, grows difficult, 467 n.

Monasteries, dissolution of, in Ireland, 194, 195.

Money, nature of, 183; the fat of the body politic, 113: amount of in circulation, 34, 310; how to ascertain it, 51; amount needed, 35, 36, 112, 113, 265, 310, 446; scarcity of, and taxes, 34; scarcity of remediable by a bank, 446; plenty since the discovery of the West Indies, 50; England has more than her neighbours, 119; has increased, 304; exportation of, 32; cannot be prevented, 57, 58, 87, 445, 446; may profit the country, 58, 440; exportation or annihilation of diminishes the commonwealth, 268, 269; raising and debasing money, 84–88, 439, 441, 444, 445, 631; money of gold and silver the best rule of commerce, 439; money of Ireland, 7, 183–187, 192, 219; badness of, 196; raising of, 221, 444; little needed, 569; exported, 583.

Money, Quantulumcunque concerning, by Petty, 437–448.

Montes pietatis, 82.

Monogamy, Graunt on, lxxvi.