Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/210

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cus; of four Spermatick Arteries found without Spermatick Veins; of a portion of a Secundine, voided uncorrupted and innoxiously, four Moneths after the production of the Childe; of a Woman, frighted by the prediction, made by a Beggar, of the day of her death, and dying on that very day; of a very stooping and crooked Man, not above forty years of age, made streight again by purging away tough humors, besiedging the Muscles; of a Boy, and of several Sheep destitute of Brains; of many Observables in one and the same Body; of various complicated and odd Diseases in one Patient; of a Woman gone about seven Moneths, who being exceedingly frighted at the hearing of her Daughters falling down Stairs upon her Head, and breaking the hind part of the Skull, was a few days after delivered of a dead childe, wanting the whole Bone of the same part; of the Catamenia flowing thorow the Crown of the Head; others, thorow the right hand; others, from the very time of a Childes Nativity; of a Childe inclosed in a Mola; of a means of restoring the Sight, deprived of its Chrystalline, and the other Humors.

The other part of this Book treats of the gradual and successive Growth of the Bones in a Fœtus; for the better observation of which, the Author affirms to have by him Sceletons from the second Moneth after the Conception, to the very Ninth Moneth, assuring the Reader, that he delivers nothing, but what he knows by his own clear inspection; whichhe