Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/211

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he performs in such a manner, that he onely relates the more rare particulars, wherein the Fœtuss do differ from adult Bodies, or he in the Doctrine of the Bones of Fœtuss from other Authors, or which being un-observed of others, he hath observed more accurately; now and then also confirming, what others, by reason of the odness of the thing, yet doubted of. In short, he deduces the increase of the Bones through their several intervals of Times; and gives an accompt. How they are constituted in the first two Moneths, in which there hardly appeareth any thing of Bones distinguishable; then what of them, about the Third, fourth, and the rest of the Moneths, is ordinarily changed, added, or taken away, at least in the Fœtuss of these Climats. The sum is, That there is a Transmigration of Membranous parts into Cartilagineous, and from them into Bony ones; performed by Nature with such silent steps, that the most quick-sighted, and the most patient Eye shall never see it doing, though it may evidently see it done.

ERRATA in Numb. 53.

PAg. 1062. l. 1. r. Durtwich, p. 1064. l. 4. r. two pounds four ounces and an half, ibid. l. ult. or chiefly, p. 1066. l. 26. r. with a lower hole, p. 1067. in Fig. 3. r. The Bouk with, p. 1074. l. 17. r. throughly inured.

ERRATA in this Numb. 54.

P. 1076. l. 17. r. Denys's Advocat very, p. 1088. l. 26. r. ways; consonant.

Printed by T. N. for John Martin, Printer to the
Royal Society, and are to be sold at the Bell
a little without Temple-Bar. 1669.