Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/269

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Articles. Weight, measure, or number. Import duty, Mexican money. Import duty, British money.
dol. c. £ s. d.
White handkerchiefs, with borders or corners embroidered or with open work, at and under a vara wide each 0 14 0 0 7
White and coloured muslin handkerchiefs, without regard to number of threads, at and under a vara wide do. 0 16 0 0 8
Lace of cotton, includingboxes, &c. lb. 2 00 0 8 4

All handkerchiefs which exceed a square vara, shall be subject to pay duties, according to their kind, for the number of square varas they contain.

All the cloths included in this classification, although they may have a mixture of flax, hemp, grass, or tow, or any of them, shall pay the rate and duty as pure cotton, according to the description of cloth they are.