Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/195

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SIMMONS (SAMUEL), printer in London; Next door to the Golden lion in Aldersgate, 1666-76. Probably son or nephew of Mathew Simmons, q.v. Printer of John Milton's Paradise Lost, 1667, the copyright of which Milton sold him for £5 and a contingent £15 more, of which £13 was paid. [Masson, Life of Milton', Vol. vi. 509 et seq.]

SIMMONS (THOMAS), bookseller in London; Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1656-62. Publisher of Quaker books.

SIMMONS (THOMAS), bookseller at Birmingham at the sign of the Bible, 1652. His name is found on the imprint to the Rev. Thomas Hall's discourse on baptism, entitled, The Font Guarded with XX Arguments, published on March 26th, 1652. The author addressed it especially to his "friends in the town of Birmingham," and it was on sale in London at the shop of George Calvert. This bookseller may be identical with the Thomas Simmons afterwards found in London as a publisher of Quaker literature.

SIMPSON (EDWARD), bookseller (?) in London, 1647. His name occurs on the imprint to Thomas Smith's Armies last Propositions to the Commons of England … London. Printed for Edward Simpson, 1647. [Hazlitt, iv. 168.]

SIMS (JOHN), bookseller in London, (1) Cross Keyes in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1656-64; (2) Cross Keyes, Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange. 1661-6. Married Mary Banckes, of St. Botolph, Aldgate, October 8th, 1661. [Chester's Marriage Licenses, 1229.] In T. Brook's Crown and Glory of Christianity, 1662, are lists of books sold by J. Sims, H. Crips, and H. Mortlock, the joint publishers.

SKELTON (RICHARD), bookseller in London; Hand and Bible in Duck Lane, 1659. His name is found on the imprint to an edition of Aristophanes … translated by H. H. B. [B.M. 643, b. 47.]

SLATER (F) bookseller (?) in London; Swanne in Duck Lane, 1641. According to Hazlitt his name occurs on the imprint to the pamphlet entitled 'Gunpowder Plot … by A. B. C. D. E. [Hazlitt, i. 194.]