Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/109

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( 79 )

At length the merry bells rung round, I could na

guefs the caufe, But Rodney was the man, they faid, who galn'd fa

much applaufe ;

I doubted if the tale was true, till Jamie came to me, And fliew'd a purfeof golden ore, and faid it is for thee. Auld Robin Grey I find is dead, and rtili your heart

is true,

Then take me Jenny to your arms, and I will be fo too; Mefs John fliall join us at the kirk, we'll be blithe

and gay, I blufli'd, consented, and replied, adieu to Robin Grey.


��in the dead of night, fbon after Jenny wed,

And wi her faithful Jamie was fleeping in her bed ; A hollow voice flie heard, which call'd her to awake, And liiten to the words would be uttered for her fake.

She darted from her fleep, her bofom beat wi fear, When the ghaift of Robin Grey before her did appear; It wavM its fliadowy hand, and thus to her did fay, Ah! Jenny, lift awhile to your Auld nobin Grey.

I do not come, dear Jean, yoxir conduct to reprove, Or interrupt the joys you fliare in conftant Jamie's


His honelt heart deferves whate'er he can receive, Siiv;c he lias fought fo nobly, and would not you

deceive :


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