Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/110

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( SO )

Still let his courage rife, his country's foes to quell, To you he fafe fhall come again> the fates now bid

me tell ;

With Howe as well as Rodney his valour he'll difplay, If you will but believe the ghaift of Robin Grey.

And Jenny muft fubmit, your virtue is your guard, For fortune has in ftore for you a high and rich

reward ; The haughty Dons fubdu'd, with Holland and with

France, Your Jamie, with frefh laurels crown'd will 10 your

wifh advance : Then let him hafte wi all his fpeed to join the noble

fleet, Tho' danger does appear in view, no harm fhall

Jamie meet ;

.But joyful fhall return again upon a future day, , As you may fure believe the ghaift of Kobin Grey.


COME, ye lads who wifh to fhine Bright in future ftory, Hafte to arms, and form the line That leads to martial glory.

Charge the mufket, point the lance,

Brave the worft of .dangers ;

Tell the bluft'ring fons of France,

That we to fear are flrangers.

Britain, when the lion's rouz'd,

And her flag is rearing, Al-vuys finds her fons difpos'd To drub the foe that's daring.

Charge the mu/ket, &rc.


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