Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/111

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Hearts of oak with fpeed advance,

Pour your naval thunder On the trembling mores of France,

And flrike the world with wonder.

Charge the mulket, &c,

Honour for the brave to mare

Is the nobleft booty, Guard your coafts protect the fair, For that's a Briton's duty.

Charge the mufket, &c

What, if Spain mould take their parts

And form a bafe alliance ; All unite, and Englifli hearts May bid the world defiance.

tfeat the drum, the trumpet found,

Manly and united ; Danger face, maintain your ground, And fee your country righted.


COME cheer up my lads, let's together unite, For our country, our king, and our altars to fight, While our tars fweep the ocean, our troops line the


Let die frenchmen but face us, we'll afk for na more. Heart of oak, &c.

If we to ourfelves and each other p^ove true, Thefe vot'ries ot reafon we foon ihallfubdue; And the five-headed monfter may threaten in vain, For Britannia will ever rule over the main* Heart of oak, &c,


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