Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/55

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Upon the ground hard by poor Sawney fete, Who fed his nofe, and fcratch'd his ruddy patej But when old England's bulwark he efpy'd, His dear-lov'd mull, alas ! was thrown afide : With lifted hand he blefs'd his native place, Then fcrubb'd himfclf, and thus bewail'd his cafe.

Air, The broom of Cowden Knows.

How hard, oh ! Sawney is thy lot,

Who was fo blythe of late, To fee fuch meat 'as can't be got,

When hunger is fo great !

the beef ! the bonny beef, When roafted nice and brown !

1 wilh I had a (lice of thee,

How fweet it would gang down ! *

Ah Charley ! hadft thou not been feen,

This ne'er had happ'd to me ; I wou'd the de'el had pick'd mine ey'fy

E'er I had gang'd wi' thee. O the beef, $c.


But fee my mufe to England takes her rTighfe

Where health and plenty focially unite ;

Wliere fmiiing freedom guards great George's throne,

And whips, and chains, and tortures are not kno'vti i

Tho' Britain's fame in loftier ftrains (lull ring,

In ruftic fable give me; leave to fmg.


As once on a time a young frog, pert and vain, Beheld a large ox grazing o'er the wide plain, He boafted his fize he could quickly attain.

O the roaft beef of old EngJamr, And C the old Englifh roai}: beef.

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