Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/56

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When eagerly ftretching his weak little frame, Mama, who flood by like a knowing old dame> Cry'd, " fon to attempt it you're furely to blame," O the roaft beef, &c.

But deaf to advice, he for glory did thirft ; An effort he ventur'd more ftrong than the firft, Till fwelling and ftraining too hard made him burft. O the roaft beef, &c

Then Britons, be valiant, the moral is clear ; The ox is old England, the frog is Monfieur, Whofe puffs and bravadoes we need never fear. O the roaft beef, &c.

For while by our commerce and arts we are able, To fee the firloin fmoaking hot on the table, The French may e'en burft like the frog in the fable, O the roaft beef, &c.


ET care Be a ftranger to each jovial foul.

Who, like Ariftippus, his paffidns controul ; Of wifeft philofophers, wifeft'was he, Who attentive to eafe let his mind ftill be free. The Prince, Peer, or Peafant, to him was the fame, Tor pleas'd, he was pleafing to all where he came ; But ftill turn'd his back on contention and ftrife, Refoiving to live all the days of his life.

A friend .to mankind, all mankind was his friend, And the peace of his mind was his ultimate end;


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