Page:Poem on the creation of the world, or, A meditation on the wonderful operation of the divine hand.pdf/47

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To bear thee up, ſtill waiting thee upon,
Leſt thou ſhould daſh thy Foot againſt a Stone.
But Jesus ſaid, It written is again,
Thou ſhalt not tempt the Lord thy God in vain.
Satan at length obliged is to yield,
And leave our glorious Captain on the Field.
Thus did our ſecond Adam ſtand the Teſt
'Gainſt all that ever Satan did ſuggeſt.
When Christ this Victory over Satan wins,
He then his publick Miniſtry begins.
He now appeareth unto publick View,
And his Commiſſion doth begin to ſhew.
Now in the Temple he begins to teach,
In Deſerts and in Mountains for to preach.
Around he travels, now from Place to Place,
In publiſhing God's Thoughts of Love and Grace,
He had deſign'd unto the human Race.
How many wonderous Miracles he wrought,
Which Confirmation to his Doctrine brought,
From firſt evincing of a Power divine,
In turning of the Water into Wine;
The deaf he made full well to hear, and he,
Thoſe born blind did make moſt clear to ſee.
He cur'd the Fever, Palſy, halt and lame,
Lepers unclean he cleans'd, and cured them.
While ſome by Faith did touch his Garment's Hem,
Which made their bloody Iſſues for to ſtem.
Thoſe that with evil Spirits were poſſeſt,
He did caſt out, and gave the weary Reſt.
The worſt Diſeaſe that Sinners could endure,

Ev'n Death itſelf he by a Word did cure.

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