Page:Poem on the creation of the world, or, A meditation on the wonderful operation of the divine hand.pdf/48

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( 44 )

He did ev'n by five Barley Loaves of Bread,
And five ſmall Fiſhes, many Thouſands feed.
By Labours, Toils and infinite Diſtreſs,
He did his Love to human Kind expreſs.
In uſeful Labours oft, when ſpent the Day,
He to a Mountain then retir'd to pray;
For of his own he had no Houſe nor Hold,
Where he at Night was ſhelter'd from the Cold:
Foxes had Holes, Birds of Air their Neſt,
The Son of Man no where his Head to reſt,
Or any Part to lodge for him was found,
But what was borrow'd, or the naked Ground.
In outward Straits he needed oft Relief,
Eſtrang'd from Joy, but well acquaint with Grief.
Yet even as his Meat and Drink, it ſtill
To Jesus was, to do his Father's Will.
In teaching, feeding of the Multitude,
He ſpent his Life entirely doing good,
Until the Time appointed did draw nigh,
That Jesus for his People's Sins muſt die.
For Sinners to the Law, there muſt be given
Two Things, before they can be brought to Heav'n.
Law Precepts must be perfectly obey'd,
And then its awful Penalty be paid.
Christ all this in the Covenant of Grace,
Engaged for in th' Elect Sinners Place;
And to this World for this End did he come
To die into the Elect Sinners Room.
He to his own Disciples did let know
The Suff'rings that he had to undergo.
He told them, that he was to die, and then

On the third Day from Death ariſe again.
