Page:Poems Argent.djvu/122

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Dearest! meet it were that beauty,
Fresh and beautiful and new,
Should the whole world paint in gladness
And reflect its light on you.

In the old town church so early
Loved and lover duly came,
And my little lassie left it
Changed only in her name!

O, the brightness, peace and glory
That through painted windows high,
Streamed upon them at the altar
From the golden morning sky.

Long you stood, our heart's best darling,
Calm and gentle, pure and sweet,
With the lofty aisles above you,
And the dead beneath your feet.

And I wondered as I saw you,
If you ever could forget
All the old days left behind you,
Would the future bring regret?

Would your girlhood from the shadows
Through your mind's eye pass, and leave
Just a little of remembrance
Faint and sweet to make you grieve?