Page:Poems Argent.djvu/123

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But the future poised in gladness
Stood you fair and bade you bring,
A rich handful of heart posies
Mirrored in your wedding ring.

Such a bride a man loves singly
(Or, should love) with nought between,
In his inmost soul an angel,
In his heart of hearts, as queen!!

O the bells that broke serenely
Over land and sky and sea,
Filling heaven and earth with rapture
In their burst of melody!

Not a tear was shed to grieve you,
Wreathed in smiles and hope each face,
It was not the time for sorrow
In that holy resting place.

So we parted from our darling
While the sun shone overhead,
"Joy and peace attend your footsteps,
Health and happiness," we said.

FATHER DAMIEN. "I was sick and ye visited me."
     HERO and saint!
I know no nobler titles upon earth
Good Father Damien, than these of thine,