Page:Poems Argent.djvu/14

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Howe'er it be, the page is opened wide
In the firm grasp that holds it either side.
A mirthful twinkle round the scholar's lips
Steals yet a march on age and time's eclipse

      Dear venerable form,
And "good gray head"! long may'st thou live to bless
All such as cling to thee in tenderness,
Thine own who hold thee dearest here below,
Whose lives have mixed with thine in joy and woe.
Truly a shepherd of Christ's flock art thou
Whose seal Divine is graven on thy brow!

SWEET Spring that droppest from the skies
Crowned with a sun of glory,
I see a thousand myriad dyes
Bathe deep the world so hoary.

And sudden from the budding trees
A murmur born of gladness,
Comes like the sound of far-off seas,
Half pleasure and half sadness.

And in the time-worn dusty street,
The turmoil of the city,
Thou glidest on thine aerial feet
With eyes of God-like pity.