Page:Poems Argent.djvu/15

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The flower girls gather thick and strong
"Neath baskets heavy laden,
Within each blossom lies a song
Heard by the town-bred maiden.

Beneath the monumental stone
The arch of marble beauty,
The gurgling fountain breathes a tone
Of love, and faith and duty!

And where the smoky shadows lie
Thick through the noisome alley,
One meets beneath an alien sky
The lily of the valley.

There, purely white, its blossoms shed
From out their leafy cover,
A fond remembrance for the dead,
Or, fairy gift for lover.

"O buy, O buy whate'er you will,
Sweet lilybells or pansy,"
A maiden calls,—and calm and still
Her voice wins on your fancy.

Sweet Spring! the grand old city feels
Your blue eyes bend above her,
Across your noble front she steals
Until you truly love her.

And glancing idly on the tide
With crested waves enfolden,
The stately swans swim side by side
On through the lilies golden,