Page:Poems Argent.djvu/24

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Nought he teases in his play,
Nought he hurts in any way,
He has far too kind a heart
In such pastime to take part;
For God's creatures great and small
Granny's boy doth love them all

Granny, with her snow-white hair
Beautiful beyond compare,
Dearly loves him, and 'tis sweet
In her ears to hear his feet
Pattering where'er she goes,
He a rosebud, she a rose!

Kissing lovingly her lips,
Clinging with warm finger-tips
To her neck all tender wise,
As she bends her wistful eyes
On the dear child face that beams
From life's floating sea of dreams.

When the evening draweth near
He will ask in accents clear,
For a game of "hide and seek"
Till like damask glows his cheek:
But, a romp in the old hall
Granny's boy loves best of all.

Chivalry will far and wide
Flourish where child hearts abide