Page:Poems Argent.djvu/25

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Where the gold head and the gray
Mingle brightly day by day.
Oh! the world is full of joy
When it loves as Granny's boy!

IN the calm and peaceful valleys comes the beautiful bright Spring,
With her nodding buds and blossoms and her birds on glancing wing;

Drops she sudden from the heavens with a lovely radiance sweet,
The sky above her floating hair and the flowers beneath her feet.

In the hospital I picture where I lay me night and day
All the gladness and the rapture 'in this fragrant month of May.

Here the wheels go rushing onward and the street is never still,
Oh! I long so sad and sorely for a cot beside the hill!

Right dearly have I loved the Spring with its regal wealth of sun,
And the April showers and rainbows where such radiant colours run,