Page:Poems Argent.djvu/98

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"Forget your griefs, the frets that rend
(Or, seem to rend) your heart in twain,
The bruised reed may weakly bend,
God makes it strong and straight again;

"And somewhere in this earthly sphere
Are happy souls and psalms of praise,
And somewhere falls the burning tear
As men go mourning all their days.

"Go smile with them who smile to-day,
Add to their joy your widow's mite,
And with the sorrowing weep and pray,
O'! be a star upon their night!"

The spirit voice that seemed to cope
With all my selfish griefs and gloom
Ceased suddenly,—the Angel Hope
Had lifted into peace my room.

I knew her by the lotus leaf
She dropped, as heavenwards in her flight
She winged her way, and lo! my grief
Was touched as by a rainbow light!

EASTER. "I am the Resurrection and the Life."
IN the dawn of Easter morning,
When the shadows pass away,
Shout the angels downwards leaning,
"Jesus Christ has risen to-day!