Page:Poems Argent.djvu/99

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"He hath snapped death's bonds asunder,
He hath vanquished over sin,
He hath trampled out earth's darkness
And hath let heaven's daylight in!

"Oh! ye mourners sad and lonely,
Standing in the cloistered shade,
Lift your eyes up to the Saviour,
Hear His voice, 'Be not afraid.'

"'Tis the resurrection morning,"
And the promise standeth fast,
In the glorious hereafter,
We shall rise with Him at last.

With the angels' song of triumph
We will join our hymns and say,
"Honour, glory, might and blessing,
Jesus Christ is risen to-day!"

SUBLIME, majestical and grand,
Yet captive in an alien land!

The tameless fire within thine eye
That scans the wide expanse of sky,

Unflinching sees the hot sun glare
His fiery beams athwart the air.

Poor captured eagle! thou so great
Art doomed to an ignoble fate.