Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/212

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192 MI$CEL?AN I?OUS POEMS. Then sits in mockery of rest, OaZing on it with tlx'd frown, Ah, I see, far off, appear Terror in wild chace of Fear, With a Fack. ofhell-hounds grim., They seize, they tear each quivering limb; But do not kill; he cannot die ! They let him loose, ag?n to fly ! O'er quaking eliif, o'er wild.morass, O'er pit and precipice, they pass, Then seize the trembling .wretch again, Immortal in his piercing pain. Pride is there, who, statue-like, ' Stands erect, and will not bow; While Want and Poverty still strike At his feet the deadly blow.. Malice and ?her thousand fiends Cling, with twining arals, aromld, While more 'ggantic Power attends To force him, crush him to the ground. He'bends;he tot'ters ! does he f?l? No; he stoops again to rise, And, as a wave-girt citadel, Baffles his frantic. enemies. ......... ?Google