Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/30

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Hark, how the notes in mounful cadence sigh,
Soft as the breeze, that only wakes to die.
Chang'd is their tone; th' impetuous measures sweep,
Like the fierce storm conflicting with the deep.
Now all th' angelic host at once combine
Their golden harps in unison with thine.
Extatic fervors seize the trembling soul,
And Halleluiahs ring from pole to pole.
What[1] fearful omens heralded the hour,
That gave Judæa to a tyrant's power!
While sank the sun, amid the western blaze
Terrific visions burst upon the gaze,
Unearthly spears reflect the setting beam,
Swords wave, helms glitter, hostile standards stream;
And thronging chariots, hurrying swiftly by,
Sweep the wide air, 'till darkness veils the sky,
Nor ceas'd the portents then: a lurid light
Shot a fierce splendor from the clouds of night;
Its own sad hue o'er all the temple spread,
And on each fear-struck face a ghastlier paleness shed.
See! see! untouch'd by any human hand,
The temple's gates—her massy gates—expand!
No earthly sound is that within I hear,
Like distant waters rolling on the ear,

  1. Josephi Hist. et Tacit. lib. v. c. 13.