Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/42

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A DRAMATIC ODE? Impotent to ?alm the throe, Peaee he Cannot, shall not, know D?ease. Health, aWay, for he is mine ! Ev'n from this hour thy claim resign. Lo, I give, my birth-day boon, The frame susceptive, which most soon My subtle fingers can untune. Come, ye pale troop, that own my sway, See your victim, seize your prey ! Thou, Consumption, hove? near, Excite, but do not end his fear ! Fever, thou, o'er burning brain, And throbbing pulse, usurp thy reign ! Horror., on his midnight couch, Dark fiend malign, in silence crouch. Banish yet no, let Sleep attend, But not, as pictured, sorrow's friend. Let him start, from dreams oF ill, To'waking visious, direr still, With bursting hea rt , and glazing eye, Fix'd intent on vacancy, Darken'd soul, suspended breath, As struggling in ?he arms of death. ......... ?Google