Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/43

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A DRAMATIC ODB. When his heart would blithely bound, And ?cenes of pleasure smile around, I will be a cloud between, Ev'n when unthought of, dimly seen; I will wrap the heav'ns in gloom, And make all earth appear one tomb.; By these tortures, sure tho' slow, Peace he cann0ts shall not, kuow! (?horus of Passions, t?t preside over tl? senses. Thou shalt despise our baser powers. But reven?, revenge, is ours! Two struggling Oatures strive ia thee, And fearful shall the conflict be ! While thy nobler soul reseats, Chain'd amid fighting elements, ThOu, amidst'their eadless war, Shalt act what most thou dost abhor. See, we pre?ent our pOison'd b0wl, Dark, and deadly to the soul. He tums away, he 'will not sip, But we hold it to his tip, And, while our force he vainly spurns, Meet him wheresoe'er he tums. We prevail ! 'Tis quaff'd ! 'Tis quaff'd ! Ev'n while he.sickeos at the draught ! ......... ?Google