Page:Poems Commelin.djvu/40

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A Woman's Choice.
I, a woman, with a woman's ardent brain and throbbing heart,
Crave to know of lives of women, by thy weird, potential art.
Of the noble, of the stately, which to me may fairest seem;
While they pass and act before me, in my vivid, waking dream.
Mists and vapors rise and gather, all around are clouds like fleece,
Now they part and clear before me, and I stand in ancient Greece.
Brilliant Athens, rarest genius owes to thee its favored birth,
Regal in thy proud possessions, thou art famed o'er all the earth.
Yonder mansion I will enter, noiselessly I pass the door,
Heavy with its purple hangings to the rich, mosaic floor.
Sofas, divans, fringed and scarlet, tempt the weary to recline,
While, through bronzed and latticed windows, streams the sun in golden line.