Page:Poems Commelin.djvu/41

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A Woman's Choice.
Laden is the air with perfume, from the flower-beds,—the while
Wait we for the dwelling's mistress,—here, within the peristyle,
Vision graceful, thou Aspasia, dost thou live a charmèd life,
Sought by wisest for thy learning, yet beloved best as wife?
Noble art thou in thy beauty, tall, with auburn, curling hair,
In thy snowy tunic girdled, suiting well thy features fair.
Purple robe, embroidered richly, slender ankles, sandal- led feet,
All combine to make a picture for an artist's fancy meet.
Galaxy of splendor round thee, artists, sculptors, men most sage,
Scholars, students flock for converse with thee in this golden age—
But a shadow falleth on thee, envy, hatred, bitter strife,
Wizard, take away the picture! I would choose another life!