Page:Poems Commelin.djvu/67

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Lurks no poison, chill, and death
On thy soft and scented breath.
All is harmony in thee,
Wafted on thy laden air,
Mingling with its perfumes rare,
Joyous notes of birds are ringing.

Brave west wind, yet gentle too,
Thou, of all, art for my choosing.
Wholesome is thy influence,
In thy touch beneficence,
Life and joy and strength are thine!
Thou art trusty, thou art true
As thy heaven's expanse of blue,
Charms of north and south winds fusing.

Knowest thou not, oh friend who feels,
Of the human atmosphere?
Hast thou, in its alien air,
Felt depression, doubt, and care
Chilling thee like eastern wind?
Subtle, still, it o'er thee steals,
Bruises, irritates, nor heals,
Tortures with distrust and fear.