Page:Poems Commelin.djvu/68

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Atmospheres thou, too, hast known,
Like the icy wind from far.
Those who have them,—strong are they,
Yet of warmth impart no ray.
Tender ruth, they know thee not!
For the weak who, stumbling, moan
Ne'er, by shrift, to them atone.
Pure they shine, like heaven's bright star.

Friend, my gentle friend, in thee
Dwells the south wind's atmosphere.
Doubt and care and vague unrest
Find no place within my breast:
Ne'er a haunting shade to mar
Cometh between thee and me.
All is sunlight, flooding, free,
Looking in thine eyes so clear.

Friend, like west wind, true and brave,
Well for those who own thee nearest;
And, if any know thee not,
Drear must be their earthly lot.