Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/40

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:Why weariest thou?
For not far spent the day as yet!
Why linger then with vain regret,
With furrowed brow and lashes wet?
Ah! hearken now.

In due time thou
A harvest rich shalt surely reap;
And though the path be rough and steep
His angels charge o'er thee shall keep;
Take courage now.

Faint still art thou?
Nay, Faith the shadows shall dispell;
With Christ for guide all will be well,
And peace the calm of heaven foretell,
Yea, even now.

Art thou Christ's disciple?
Patient be;
'Tis perchance what's needed
Most by thee;
Though thy heart it grieveth sore
Strive more earnest than before.

Through the tones that chide thee
Hear His voice;
'Twixt the good and evil
Make thy choice;
Though thy self-love wounded be
Win by meekness victory.