Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/41

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Had we in Christ but learned to dwell
Our lives were each a song;
To hearts at peace the world's dismay
Can ne'er again belong.

Did we but serve with single heart
Each life a psalm might be;
We, bending low, the message hear:
"My grace I promise thee."

Did we but trust a Father's love
And clasp His guiding hand,
The burthen of our songs would be
A joy in each command.

Oh! sing unto the Lord, my soul!
Both now and yet again;
Till heart and mind and voice shall sound
In full accord—"Amen!"

There is a silence that enfolds
Those years in Nazareth spent;
When, with His humble, daily toil
Our dear Lord lived content.

And yet—in all those silent years
Obedience was learned;
And He "was subject unto them"
Proves no wise counsel spurned.