Page:Poems Denver.djvu/230

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And I must weep, as then I wept,
For thine was a most noble mind,
Where reason stumbled not, nor slept,
Nor threw one doubtful ray behind.
As some sweet stream, by day unknown,
Raises at night its song of love,
Whose calm invigorating tone
Fills the blue vault of heaven above,
So passed thy life, a hidden stream,
None but a few had ever found;
Yet on its breast shone many a beam,
And many a flower was scattered round.

A star from life's bright diadem
Has fallen, and can no more return;
And many a heart has missed a gem,
Which all too carelessly was worn.
Like jewels thrown neglected by,
Well satisfied that they are ours,
Our. best affections ofttimes lie,
Conceal'd among earth's meaner flowers.
And often do our feelings prove
How much our carelessness has cost;
We seldom know how much we love
Till all that we have loved is lost!

Lost one! while this revolving day
Comes with the rolling years along,
To thee I will awake my lay,—
To thee will dedicate my song,