Page:Poems Denver.djvu/231

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And while it rises from my heart,
Like incense from a broken urn,
To drink the incense be thy part,
For well I know thou wilt return.
Thou wilt return when the fair earth
Is bright with starlight and with showers,
To bend in love above the mirth
Seen in the young, confiding flowers!

Thou wilt return—not to mine eye,
But to my spirit wilt appear,
Clothed in the immortality
Which I but vainly pine for here.
And thy dear eyes will look in mine,
And thy soft voice will reach mine ear,
To tell of joys that now are thine,
Up in yon blue, celestial sphere.
O! it is happiness to know,
While thro' this darksome world we move,
That those whom we have loved below
Will plead for us in heaven above.