Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/26

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the outlaw.
Ame. [To Page.] Quick, quick, some water—
Throw the casement open.
Alas, what aileth thee, dear lady?
[To Page.] Hast thou brought tidings of evil import.
Page. Our noble master's dead,
And much I fear,
Our lady will not long survive him.
Ame. My lady's but a woman, after all—
Although a most discreet and virtuous one.—
She hath known much of sorrow, yet lived on;
And this new grief but wears another form.
[To Page.] See, she revives, bring yonder goblet.
Drink, my sweet lady, 'twill restore thy strength.
L. Isabel. Cease, good Amelia,
I am well, quite well.
Leave me to my own thoughts.
[Exit Amelia and Page.
Gone! the last hope that had sustained my spirit!
The stream flows on, though winter shred
The loveliest blossom that o'erhung its banks:
Thus wills the Almighty—good and merciful.
Forgive me, Heaven! teach me to bow my heart
Unto the will of the All-wise Disposer.