Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/27

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the outlaw.
Once more I will endeavor to peruse
This sad memorial.
[Reads, interrupted by tears.] My husband!
Would I had died for thee—and, dying, proved
My innocence;—but thus to leave me.—
Death! how terrible thou art,
Embittered by the thought of treachery.

Enter Amelia.

Ame. My lady, did'st thou call?
L. Isabel. No, good Amelia;
But come hither to me.
It was his wish—my lord's last wish—
That I should choose my future residence
Where it may please me.
My choice is made; and here I will remain,
Nursing his loved remembrance, and my grief,
With such a churlish care, that none shall know
A widowed bosom dwells within these walls.
My honored father—I must e'en deceive him,
Lest, with a cruel kindness, he should call me
To the vain pomps I covet not.