Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/39

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the outlaw.
1st soldier. Captain, we have scoured the country and have found no traces yet of the bold outlaw.
Cap. No signs, thou said'st?
1st Sol. None; sterile rocks alone have met our view.
The night is falling, and a murky one 'twill be
In this wild place.
Bivouack we here, most noble captain?
Cap. No; on to yonder distant range;
There, by a mouldering cross
Which marks the grave of some poor traveller,
Stands a holy convent:
Shelter and food to all, unasked, are given.
On, comrades, on! I am no salt sea-bird
To build my nest on such a crag as this.
At dawn, to-morrow, we'll renew our search.
[Exeunt Soldiers.