Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/40

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the outlaw.
SCENE III.—View of the castle.

Oscar concealed behind a rock.

Enter Helvitio and Lady Isabella.
Hel. Sweet sister, how can I repay thy love
To one outlawed from all his fellow nobles—
Alien from home and to his country's laws?—
Nay; seek not thus to change my roving life;
It suits my wild and savage temper best.
One kiss, sweet one: thou'lt seek our father's halls,
And cheer the old man with thy gentle presence.
We'll meet again this eve;
Have all prepared to meet thy brother's wishes.

Enter Oscar.

Oscar. [soliloquizing.] Now, traitress,
Can I prove thee false at last;
And to thy fond and doting lord I'll fly
With these most cheering tidings.
Revenge is sweet, and now I've won its taste.