Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/41

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the outlaw.
Did'st thou, fond fool, think to reject my suit,
And live unscathed? This to thy lord I'll say:—
At eve the Lady Isabella meets her paramour;
With tears and sobs this morning I saw them parting,
And weeping on his shoulder, thus she said:
When night her sober mantle throws around
Til meet thee on this spot——

Enter Amelia.

Ame. [Suddenly intercepts Os.] Who art thou,
That, with slow and stealthy step,
Art stealing round Malvino's lonely tower?
Oscar. A way-worn traveller, gentle dame,
Who seeks a shelter from the coming storm.
Ame. Pursue the path that lieth straight before thee;—
Soon will St. Hilda's convent meet thine eye—
There may'st thou shelter thee.—
The bandit, 'tis reported, are abroad;
Their chief, the far-famed robber of the Rhine,
Once more is free.
Heaven shield thee on thy way.