Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/42

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the outlaw.
Oscar. Stay but a moment; who art thou?
Speak dame; thou hast a goodly presence.
And thy speech breathes of a gentle nature.
Ame. Here in thine ear I'll whisper it.——
Oscar. [Starts.] Hah!
Ame. Away, thou'rt safe; but hasten I entreat thee.
E'en now I see their glittering weapons gleam
With fitful lustre, as each vivid flash
From the dark clouds glance o'er them.
[Exit Oscar.
Poor fool, thou flee'st as if a band of robbers were close upon thine heels; and thus I took the high and mighty title of bandit's bride to fright thee from thy purpose. Now go I to the Lady Isabel. I will describe this loitering knave's apparel—his figure—speech. She may, perhaps, unravel this seeming mystery. He looked not like a traveller.