Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/60

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the outlaw.
Away—away this is no time for tears!
Page. Too late, I fear, great Duke;
My lady is dead.
[Duke sinks into his chair.
Duke. My child! my child!
Page. Your highness, pardon me;
Her sole attendant waits below—
The Lady Isabella's trusted servant, dame Amelia.
Duke. Bring her to me, we'll mourn together.
Exit Page.—Duke remains silent in deep grief.

Enter Amelia.

Ame. Great Duke, thus far I've travel'd
With a grief that weighs my sinking spirit to the earth;
You mourn a child, and I a cherished mistress;
One who to me was child, protectress, friend.
Sole relic of that much abused saint,
Whom, I trust, receives the just reward
Of her sad trials here,
Upon thy bounty now I throw myself.